Mission and Philosophies

The mission of Swasey Central School is to prepare children for future learning and life experiences. Specifically, Swasey will provide children with the knowledge, develop and support their capacity to learn, and strengthen the social and emotional skills they will need to succeed as middle school students and as members of their families, neighborhoods, and the world community.

To achieve its mission, Swasey Central School operates under the following philosophies:

Academic Growth

We believe in high academic standards for all children. We should continually improve and renew our academic program so that all children reach their fullest potential.

Social & Emotional Growth
Social & Emotional Growth

In the Swasey School learning community, each member is responsible for the success of others.

Students, parents, teachers, and administrators should respect each other and themselves, live by the school’s rules, work cooperatively, use self knowledge for change, challenge themselves, and appreciate the ideas and experiences of others.

Community & Parent Involvement

With the goal of building strong partnerships, Swasey Central School acknowledges responsibilities we share to one another to ensure child development.