P.E. and Recess Participation

A doctor's note excusing a child from P.E. or recess for a brief time will be honored. If minor accommodations need to be made to allow a child to participate in P.E. or recess, please contact the school nurse to discuss.


All medications (prescription and over the counter) need to be brought to directly to the Nurse's office, by a parent, in its original container or a prescription bottle. Please do not send any medications in your child's backpack. Contact the school nurse with any questions.


The school nurse will inform parents as soon as possible if their child is suspected of having head lice.  Exclusion from school is not recommended for students who have lice per the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  However, it is the position of the Swasey Central School nurse to recommend prompt treatment which usually means being dismissed from school as soon as possible.  It is best for the child to start treatment early to alleviate itchiness and to ensure that they can return to school the following day.

The school nurse will provide parents with up to date prevention and treatment information.

Although it is not required for parents to notify the school nurse if their child has head lice, it is recommended they do so.  The school nurse will protect the student’s confidentiality.  If there seems to be a number of students in one class that are suspected of having head lice, a letter may be sent home to inform parents.

Please contact Rebecca Doucet, RN with any

COVID-19 Protocol 22-23

Any student or staff member who has Covid 19 should isolate per CDC

guidelines for at least 5 days:​coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-​health/isolation.html.  They may return to school on day 6 if they have been fever free for >24 hours and symptoms are improving.  They should wear a mask around people for days 6-10 of the isolation period. Please contact Rebecca Doucet, RN with any questions